Bulletproof Knees
Directions: Start with 2-3 times per week. Once you figure out what schedule gives you the best results, you may want to pick out those exercises and add them to your strength training routine.
Bulletproof Knees Routine
1. Foam Roll Lateral Leg,2-4 min. each leg
2. Single Leg Hinge Stretch, 20 sec. hold x 3
3. Knee Circles,20 each direction
4. Poloquin/Peterson Step Up, 15-20 (beginner) or 8-15 reps (full range)
5. Single Leg Calf Raise, 10-15 each leg
6. Sidelying Leg Lift, 8-12 reps with 6 sec pause at top
7. Split Squat, 8-12 reps, pause 5-10 sec on last rep before knee touches ground
8. Squat to Seiza, 2-6 reps *only if knees feel healthy
Bonus Exercise
Hamstring Leg Curl, 5-10 reps
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